Chào các bạn!
Hôm nay, Samurai paint Việt Nam sẽ mang đến cho các bạn một sự sáng tạo mới theo phong cách Captain Marvel .
Sau đây là danh sách các màu cần sử dụng:
Make sure to rub and clean the surface by using p400-800 sandpaper before starting the project. Then, spray SAMURAI 2K04 Epoxy Surfacer to cover all the blades or small holes found on the surface of the object. Let it dry in about 1 hours and sand it using sandpaper p1000-1500.
After that, use SAMURAI Black 30 as an undercoat. Spray it variously and wait until dry.
Spray Samurai Honda Yellow 1102.
Spray a thin layer of Yamaha Red to produce a golden impression.
Cover the gold area with tape before spray the SAMURAI CTM Honda Blue 1103.
Start with thin layer of SAMURAI Daytona Violet (71) .
Then, spray SAMURAI CMT Honda Blue (1103) without drying.
Spray SAMURAI Daytona Violet (71).
Next, spray SAMURAI CMT Honda Blue (1103).
Remove the tape carefully after the paint is completely dry. Finally, SAMURAI Top Coat Clear 2K01 for 4 layers within 10 minutes of drying time per layer for overall protection.
So, you have learned how to spray Captain Marvel pattern on YAMAHA 135LC by using SAMURAI Spray Paint. Now, you can start your own workpaint by following this tutorial. Don’t forget to share our post with your friends and leave your comment below for any suggestion. You also can share some of your workpaint by contact us in our Facebook and Instagram.
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Beyond paint, Samurai is a culture, a lifestyle. With a simple step of SAMURAI 2K, you can have the best finishing and top quality spray results just like using a spray gun in a workshop.